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evvnt is a full service events technology company working with events owners and event publishers to deliver the perfect Premium Event. Ambitious? the founder is looking to take evvnt.com from zero to a £10m valuation in under 36 months, in this current dot.com frenzy, possibly not.

London, Friday 13th April 2012, See’s the launch of evvnt.com the latest disruptive internet technology company redefining event marketing and developing a world class ‘Premium Event’ service. Evvnt is a publisher led technology company. We promises to deliver ‘value’ to event marketeers and revenue to publishers, specifically print publishers worldwide.

The events market is hugely fragmented with event owners getting a tough deal and publishers unable to monetise event submission with any real value and reducing the commercial opportunity to invest on in-house technology.

Richard Green, owner of Digital Monetisation and founder of evvnt.com has over 12 years of digital media experience from his early days at eBay, eSpotting, Touch Local and recently Qype.
“This company reminds me of my days at eBay. You need a smart passionate team, a problem and a simple technology solution. I’m very excited about what we can do to improve the events industry in terms of data quality, events availability to consumers, events marketing potential for advertisers. I personally love helping publishers take new commercial products to market – this is going to be a great journey”

Working with disruptive technology companies such as Qype to re-define how SME’s market themselves via business listing services and seeing organisation like Yell and Thompson decline made for an obvious next step in to events. Print publishers and event Qype promote failing events platforms which could deliver multi million pound revenues.

evvnt is an events technology company based in the heart of Noho, central London. We are love events and passionate about event publishers.
For further information or pres inquiries please contact: [email protected]

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