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As an event professional, you’ve poured your heart and soul into putting on the best event possible. Everything went brilliantly – even the catering. For the benefit of those who couldn’t attend, how do you let them know what they missed out on? How do you encourage them to attend your next event, helping your business to grow?

Here at Catch Talk TV, we believe that there is no more valuable promotional tool than video to show prospective attendees how well you’ve done things in the past. We’ve found that rather than cannibalising your core offering as an organiser of conferences, Q&As and other corporate assemblies, video content projects the quality and depth of what has been discussed at your previous events. This then encourages registration for future functions. Take TED Talks, for example. No one in their right mind would turn down the chance to see one of their prestigious speakers. It doesn’t matter that the talk will eventually be made available online; the standard of address and calibre of orators means that people will always want to be there in person.

You should think of the relationship between your event and its video content in the same way. Video has its limitations, as it cannot recreate an event’s atmosphere or provide the networking opportunities that attendees are fortunate enough to experience. So – just like with TED Talks – you are in no danger of there being rows and rows of empty sites as potential conference goers wait to watch it all from the comfort of their own home. Rather than seeing video content as a threat, start asking questions like: ‘how can I use this material to my event’s advantage?’

This is a guest blog by Catch Talk TV. Catch Talk TV is a platform that brings our users access to over 1,800 videos from a wide range of professional disciplines. They easily navigate through hours of content tailored to their interests, filtering their searches by industry, theme, event and speaker. Say your business concerns organising regular panels focused on dietetics, and one of our users has recently watched four videos with that field of healthcare as a tag. He or she would receive an email directing them to videos of some of the lively debate your panels have sparked. Thoroughly impressed by the level of expertise on display, they immediately register for your next event. This is a very realistic scenario, provided the video content is made available and professionals know where to find it. With Catch Talk TV, discovering this material could hardly be made any simpler. If you would like to host your video content and syndicate it out to our growing user base, contact [email protected]

Do you agree with the idea that video marketing is crucial to your event’s promotion? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.

“Image source – Flickr , usage under Creative Commons license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)”

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