

evvnt is an Authorised Publisher to All Conferences AllConferences.com is a Global Online Conference Directory showcasing over 100000 conferences, conventions, trade shows, exhibits, expos and seminars. As one of our authorised publishers, our relationship with AllConferences ensures that your event listing will be greatly received by a targeted audience and our partnership allows us to provide […]

Conference Alerts is a comprehensive listing of academic and professional conferences around the world. Individuals can subscribe to receive e-mailed alerts of events matching their interest profile and conference  organizers can post information about their event. In addition to these free services, conference organizers can also pay to have their event more prominently listed. Location:  […]

Bizcommunity.com launched in 2001 and since then has grown in every way – in scope, offerings, range of products, portals, size and acceptance in the marketplace. Today, we are the B2B site of choice in South Africa and Africa for anyone wanting to know the who, what, where and why of what’s happening in the […]

Welcome to Lanyrd, the social conference directory. Discover and get more from professional events. The site compiles blog posts, photos and other coverage from events and keeps it organised by session and speaker. Users on the site are identified through the Twitter API and events are shown to users based on their contacts on Twitter. They […]

369events is a full-service Event Management company specializing in meetings and conventions. Our experience and background is extremely diverse – including professional event management, planning, marketing, travelling and program organizing . We can organize all kind of events, exhibits, trade fairs, conventions ,conferences, product launching and corporate events. 369events serves for both companies and private […]

>Attendconference.com is a unique web service provider for attending conferences, with fastest growing multidisciplinary online dictionary of academic and business conferences in the world. Attendconference.com originated in 2010 and in this very short period became most popular online service in its field of action. Attendconference.com is a project under ENERGIA Consulting, headquartered in Sarajevo, Europe. […]