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LogoAs a professional landlords association it is East Midlands Property Owners‘ job to help housing professionals to manage and comply with all housing legislation and regulation necessary to be a good landlord. EMPO was formed in 1942 and throughout this time their mission of being dedicated to raising the profile of responsible landlords and to encourage the improvement of standards has remained constant and true.

EMPO is a not-for-profit association. This means that the money they make is put back into the association and funds the activities they carry out to support their members and landlords within the wider community.

1Description of the event

East Midlands Landlord & Letting Agent Expo, on Tuesday March 19, 2013

East Midlands Landlord & Letting Agent Expo  East Midlands Landlord & Letting Agent Expo 

The first East Midlands Landlord & Letting Agent Expo 2013 featured an extensive timetable of property related seminars, highly respected guest speakers and Graham Penny’s monthly residential property auction event. The event hosted over 50 exhibitor companies ranging from suppliers to professional advisors and local authorities.

Whether you are a first time or accidental landlord, a letting agent, property investor or managing an existing portfolio, it is essential that you keep up to date with legislation and get as much professional advice as possible. The Expo contributed to that and allowed delegates to learn more about the current and future developments in law and practices relevant to being a landlord.

2Broadcast and Publish

We published the East Midlands Landlord & Letting Agent Expo to over 45 event sites and watched as the sites supplied live links – submitted sites go live within 24 hours to 7 working days.

Broadcast and publish

3Share our expertise

We grew our targeted broadcast sector up to 27 sites ensured the East Midlands Landlord & Letting Agent Expo was distributed across all relative platforms as well as locally, nationally, globally and socially with a total site reach of 40.3M !

4Use targeted sites

We wanted to reach the required number of participants to the event, that is why we made every effort to broadcast it on a wide network composed of 27 targeted sites, 8 global sites, 7 national and local sites and 4 social sites.

Targeted sites

Global sites Local sites The following images are examples of  the event listed on targeted listing sites:

5Natural search results

Click on the logos below to view listing results:

Google goodYahoo goodBing goodAsk good   Aol good

We can grow your audience reach and achieve better natural search. The publishers who we work with can expect to appear on the first page of Google, when searching for the East Midlands Landlord & Letting Agent Expo reached 30% coverage on the first page and continued to deliver coverage on pages two, three, four and five.

 Google results

6 Grow your audience reach

Social engagement and interaction became an important part of the post publishing as we started to look at how to engage with consumers though ‘likes’,  shares’, ‘tweets’, ‘retweets’ then lastly through visuals and pinning.


To be as transparent as possible, evvnt always sends a detailed report to each client.

Broadcast results: Total number sites the event has been submitted to, depending on the category, location and the level of targeting required for the event.

Broadcast results

Audience reach: See how many people can see the event including aggregated total unique users globally and estimated to the event. We also document sites that pass content on to mobile apps.

Audience reach

Detailed reporting: A click tracking report with a summary of the events performance is activated and supplied within the product segmented by url type and the site delivering traffic.


Ticket promotion & Sales: Through the clear promotion of the clients event we are seeing online ticket sales directly through evvnt ticket options and directly with the client through referrals.

Ticket and sales

Key figures:

57.7% of live links

30% coverage on Google’s first page

Listing on 15 mobile apps

58 direct clicks to date

Active in all 5 major search engines

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