Where 2 stay offers a wide range of travel, tourist information, events and entertainments in the region. With approximately 23,000 users, your event will strike on, undeniably, the right target.
Where 2 Stay offers you a great choice of accommodation across South Africa including Guesthouses, Game Reserves, Hotels, Self-Catering and Bed & Breakfast, Backpacker, Campsite and Bush Lodge accommodation.
Where2Stay-SouthAfrica.com provides a very friendly user experience with search facilities designed to meet the requirements of a wide range of visitors. Once someone has found the place they are looking for they can make a booking enquiry directly via email to the owner through our online Booking Enquiry system.
Coverage: National
Unique users: 22,440 per month
Local uniques: 224 per month
Mobile App: No
Website: http://www.where2stay-southafrica.com/
Sectors: Any events
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