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Not-for-Profit & Corporate PartnershipsCriterion conferences are based around developing tangible solutions through the discussion and presentations from our balanced speaker panels representing stakeholders and their interests. From our keynote speakers,to international experts and Government Ministers, we have all the issues covered. Not-for-Profit & Corporate Partnerships

They were looking for a simple solution to submit events to their own Facebook, a time saving tool, a new audience reach and event marketing momentum that ‘pings’ activity into natural search – the solution is evvnt.

1Description of the event

Not-for-Profit & Corporate Partnerships,

on Tuesday July 22, 2014 at 8:30 am

This conference is designed to provide you with a toolkit on how to source these crucial partnerships and more importantly how to secure and maintain the partnership to ensure sustainability for your organisation.

Hear practical tools and tips from some of Australia’s largest corporates, discussing what the future of corporate partnerships will look like for your organisation.

You will learn:

  • What corporates look for in a partner
  • How Not-for-Profits have built and maintained successful corporate partnerships
  • About Collective Impact and Creating Shared Value: the future for corporate partnerships
2Broadcast and Publish
We published to over 60 event sites and watched as the sites supplied live links – submitted sites go live within 24 hours to 7 working days.
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3Share our expertise

We ensured  was distributed across all relative platforms as well as locally, nationally, globally and socially with a total site reach of  37.3M !

Industry Specific : 2

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Targeted : 35

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Global : 11

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National : 6

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Local : 1

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Social : 4
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Association : 1

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4Use targeted sites

We wanted to reach the required number of participants to the event, that is why we made every effort to broadcast it on a wide network composed of  2 industry specific, 35 targeted, 11 global sites, 6 national, 1 local site, 4 social and 1 association site.

The following images are examples of  the event listed on targeted listing sites:

5Natural search results

Click on the logos below to view listing results:

Google Yahoo  Bing  Ask    Aol

We can grow your audience reach and achieve better natural search. The publishers who we work with can expect to appear on the first page of Google, when searching for reached 60% coverage on the first page and continued to deliver coverage on pages two, three and four.


6 Grow your audience reach


To be as transparent as possible, evvnt always sends a detailed report to each client.

Broadcast results: Total number sites the event has been submitted to, depending on the category, location and the level of targeting required for the event.

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Audience reach: See how many people can see the event including aggregated total unique users globally and estimated to the event. We also document sites that pass content on to mobile apps.

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Detailed reporting: A click tracking report with a summary of the events performance is activated and supplied within the product segmented by url type and the site delivering traffic.

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Key figures: 36of live links

60% coverage on Google’s first page Listing on

15 mobile apps

Active in all 5 major search engines. 

Free demo

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