July 25th, 2014
Check out this useful twitter tools by Joanna Geary, Head of UK News Partnership at Twitter.
- Followerwonk: search Twitter bios and analyse your followers followerwonk.com/
- DoesFollow: an easy way to see who follows who http://doesfollow.com/
- Tw Birthday: new user with no “date joined” on their profile? Find date of joining http://twbirthday.com/
- Trends 24: see the trending terms for the past 24 hours hour-by hour, country-by-country http://trends24.in/
- Bio is changed: be alerted when someone changes their Twitter bio (good for job moves) http://bioischanged.com/
- Wildfire: compare your follower growth against your competitors https://monitor.wildfireapp.com/?
- Buzzsumo: especially good to find influencers around a topic or account http://buzzsumo.com/
- Tame.It: Find out what’s trending within your followers or within lists https://tame.it/?source=user
- Nuzzel: find out what’s trending amongst the people who the people you follow follow! http://nuzzel.com/
- Trendsmap: good for monitoring local Twitter trends http://trendsmap.com/
- Swayy: analyse the topic interests of the people who follow you http://app.swayy.co/#content
- Rite Tag: get feedback on a hashtag’s reach https://ritetag.com/ (not tried this one, h/r @CourtA)
- SocialBro: useful for additional analytics (like “time to tweet”) http://www.socialbro.com/
- Like Explorer: see at-a-glance the number of shares of an article http://www.likeexplorer.com/ (h/t @paujwill)
- Fuego: find out what links are popular amongst journalists (US-centric) http://www.niemanlab.org/fuego/ and @NiemanLabFuego
- Riffle: a plug-in providing data visualizations about a Twitter user http://www.crowdriff.com/riffle/ (h/t @charliesaidthat)
- Twipho: a Twitter picture feed searchable by keyword or location http://twipho.net/ (h/t #newsrw)
- Trendspottr: find out what’s trending around a topic or a list http://www.trendspottr.com/index.php (h/t founder, @markzohar)
- Bluenod: map and visualise the communities around a Twitter user or hashtag http://bluenod.com/
- iTrended: find out if something trended in the last 15 days http://itrended.com
- Seen: automatically collect and rank media around a hashtag http://seen.co/
- ManageFlitter: allows you to schedule tweets for when your audience is most active http://manageflitter.com/
- Keyhole: for tracking mentions of keywords, hashtags and URLs http://keyhole.co/
- The One Million Tweetmap: monitor geolocated tweets appearing in real-time across the world http://onemilliontweetmap.com/
- Sonar Solo: search any topic to find and visualise related trends and influencers in real time http://sonar.bottlenose.com (h/t @SanjM)
- Twitonomy: detailed analytics on Twitter users and their tweets http://www.twitonomy.com/ (h/t @Twiplomacy)
- Twitterfall: a classic – display a search and/or list of tweets that update in real time http://twitterfall.com/
- My Top Tweet: find any user’s top ten tweets by engagement https://mytoptweet.com
- Tweet Be At: list managing power tool http://tweetbe.at/ (h/t @MattNavarraUK)
“Image source – Flickr , usage under Creative Commons license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)”