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How can I achieve a success? This question is certainly asked by a lot of people who want to try their hand at a new business. However, achieving success takes both time and humility, and only a fraction make it. Some of those startups, though, do become powerful companies that are role models and motivation for others who are trying their hand.

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They all share one common element: each started as an idea in someone’s head. However, the idea of implementing shared a long way. They know that people who have achieved the desired success, or simply put on him were convicted. We decided to make a list of some of the most successful event management startups for you.

We hope it inspires you! 🙂

1. Evvnt

What can you do to make sure your event appears in search engines and the information about it reaches a specific audience? This startup knows its stuff. It was founded in 2012 by the extraordinary Richard Green, and has worked with some of the world’s biggest brands. Evvnt is the perfect solution for both small and large events. It supplies event organizers the right tools to improve their organic search engine position, driving more traffic to their web pages, and ensuring that the events are visited by the greatest number of people.

2. Ticketbud
This event tool was founded in 2009 by John Hogg as a side project to help a local charity collect proceeds for a fundraiser. He based it on the conviction that everyone should have access to tools that will help organize events, at a cost that they can easily afford. Ticketbud offers custom event design, internal promotional tools, rich attendee reporting data, and check-in apps for iOS and Android. Take a look!

3. EventBrowser

Eventbrowsr aggregates data from various platforms, venue websites, and other sources to create a comprehensive database of upcoming events in every city. It also allows you to share the events you are attending with the people in your network or industry, as well as discover the events that people you follow are attending. It was created in 2012 by Geert Debecker. This man wanted to find an easier way to discover all the interesting events and people in his city, and he had a great plan to do it. In our opinion, he succeeded completely, because now we can find out what events are happening in any location around the world.

4. SocialEvents
This is a great event app if you are trying to sell tickets for your band’s next performance, your art exhibit, or a fundraising event, or if you are simply organizing a private dinner party or night out with your friends. It was created by Kevin Tabatabai and Alex Santos, who met in 2002 at the College of William and Mary, where they both studying computer science. Socialvents was officially launched in spring 2011. Thanks to them you can share and discover events happening around you and all over the world.

5. LiveTweetAppIf you want to increase social interactions during your events and conferences, Livetweetapp.com tool is for you. It was created by the Belgian web agency doodle.be in 2012 by founder Alexis Serneels. The idea is that you aggregate live tweets, filtered by status, and display the conversation during your conference. The tool can be used directly inside your browser, without installing any client-side software. And your tweet wall can be displayed on a big screen during speeches, or on various screens or tablets. It’s a simple and interesting solution. Worth a try.

6. Vizzle
This professional video production service was created in 2011 by Chris Lewis for conference organizers who want their event recorded and disseminated professionally. His ideas about proper implementation turned out to be brilliant. Vizzle can film your conferences, seminars, or workshops, then edit the recordings and later place them on YouTube. The only problem here may be distance: they can’t get everywhere they want to be.

7. PickEvent

If you are looking for a single gathering place in the world for attendees, speakers and event organizers, Pickevent is the one. And all because of two people, co-founders Jose Bort and Jose Moliner, who made it real in London in 2012. Once you register on the site, you can make contact with individuals from your industry, and keep track of events and people that you are interested in. What’s more, Pickevent searches for personalized event offers based on your interests. If you have been wondering whether there was a social media platform just for people in the event industry, we can tell you: yes, there is 🙂

8. SpeakerZenThis is the youngest of startups on the list. The founder’s originality and inventiveness secured the company first prize at the prestigious Google Launchpad Athens, which took place in October 2013 at the National Museum of Contemporary Art. Speakerzen.me app facilitates direct input from mobile devices, helping speakers improve their skills by getting direct feedback from their audience. Simple and ingenious.

9. LiveCube

Is there a tool that will motivate participants to interact during events? This event app does it. Livecube motivates the audience with points, badges, and real-world rewards. It was founded by Aaron Price, Gabe Zichermann and Justin Schier in 2013. They designed livecube for all types of events (corporate meetings, conferences, online events, etc.). What’s the impact? It increases the number of participants talking about you — loudly — on the internet. What more could you want?

10. Attend The company was founded in Boston by Greg Skloot and Drew D’Agostino in 2013, and is already known throughout the world for offering the best and easiest-to-use event management software. Attend.com provides online software that helps managers and organizers create and run high quality events. They do this by using cutting-edge methods, simplifying and automating event management processes, and offering both the event app and the software to improve your event.

From idea to implementation. Many great ideas die a natural death through lack of faith in the project. The ten examples above may act as a powerful motivator if you’re dreaming of your own business. If you are considering your own project, don’t hesitate any longer: take matters into your own hands!

Do you know some startups that you think should be on this list? Let us know about your ideas in the comments down below.

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