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evvnt attended the Dag Van Het Evenement (the day of the event) last week with the aim of meeting the team and getting involved – and because we are delighted to announce that Eventbranche is joining the ranks as an evvnt reseller. DVHE was an impressive, well-organised triumph with a huge range of inspirational speakers. We thought it was a great success! We had a quick follow up chat with organiser Askin Ozay to get his take on proceedings.

Why did you decide to create the Dag Van Het Evenement?

If you take a closer look at all kinds of marketing to market your product or service, we believe there is no tool that has more impact than an event. That’s why we’ve wanted to create a day to promote event marketing as the most powerful tool in the marketing mix. With Dag van het Evenement we’d wanted to give the right people the right recourses and the information on how to do this properly with a ROI proof.

What where your expectations?

Our expectations where that it would be very hard to get these marketeers and budget holders, mostly corporate from big companies, into their cars to the congress. We were very glad to see that we managed to mobilise hundreds of them from whom we got a very positive feedback about the day as a whole. Another challenge was to mobilise the Dutch event industry to surround and embrace these corporates with their knowledge and expertise and be willing to pay for this. In this we’ve also succeeded.

The event was a success of course – why?

We’ve succeeded in bringing both worlds together and with this, promoting the event industry as a whole. I think we’ve also made a proper contribution to creating a more professional image for the event industry and the importance of organising events.

Are you going to do it next year?

If with this we’ve created an even bigger support base within the event industry and at the same time also see positive results on the corporate / budget holder side then yes!

General feedback from the attendees?

We are very close to finishing the official opinion polls, but from what people have sent us into my it looks very promising.

Eventbranche push soft launch?

What’s to say about a Soft Launch? It’s out of the box now and people are curious about the service but let’s talk after the real launch, that’ll be in January 2015.


We are so excited about the real launch in 2015! We will be keeping you posted!

Click here to read our Event Spotlight interview with Askin https://evvnt.com/2014/10/event-spotlight-q-askin-ozay/

“Image source – Flickr, usage under Creative Commons license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)”

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