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Automations is the leading online publisher of automation related content. We help our readers automate their factories and processes, solve problems and improve production efficiencies by providing the most current industry news, information and resources.


Attracting more than 130,000 unique automation professionals from around the globe each month, Automation.com is the leading online content provider and the only pure electronic magazine in the automationindustry. Since 2007, Automation.com has been publishing more content than any other publication, reinforcing its position as the leading online content provider. According to third-party traffic ranking websites such as Alexa.com, Automation.com is the most frequented automationrelated news and information site on the web, out-ranking the websites of many of the well-known, more established industry trade publications.

Coverage: Global
Unique users: 120,000 per month*
Local uniques: 1,200 per month*
Mobile App: No
Website:  http://www.automation.com/


*Figures are estimates based on evvnt internal research//

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