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NCTA is the principal trade association for the U.S. cable industry, representing cable operators serving more than 90 percent of the nation’s cable television households and more than 200 cable program networks.

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The cable industry is the nation’s largest broadband provider of high-speed Internet access, serving more than 51 million customers, after investing $200 billion to build two-way interactive networks with fiber optic technology. Cable companies also provide state-of-the-art digital telephone service to more than 27 million American consumers.

Coverage: National / United States
Unique users: 75,000 per month*
Local uniques: 750 per month*
Mobile App: No
Website: https://www.ncta.com
Twitter: @NCTACable
Sectors: Conferences | Engineering & Technology | Telecoms

*Figures are estimates based on evvnt internal research


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