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Evvnt is excited to announce that we are now live across 20 Community Media Group newspapers! CMG owns and operates community newspapers with websites in several Midwestern states. Including Illinois, Indiana and Iowa, as well as newspapers in Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York.

Each CMG newspaper has been fitted with our Revenue Generating Events calendars, which are part of a platform designed to replace traditional event calendars and generate millions of dollars in revenue for the events industry. Additionally, we provide a large variety of services such as ticketing, syndication, print, social and email marketing. Therefore making it easy for events to reach a wider audience and sell more tickets. Moreover, it ensures that consumers can effortlessly find local, exciting events and purchase tickets through our own ticketing technology.

Community Media Group’s Publishers

Olean Times Herald https://oleantimesherald.com/local-events
Ludington Daily News https://shorelinemedia.net/local-events
Finger Lakes Times https://fltimes.com/local-events
Courier Express Tri County Sunday https://thecourierexpress.com/local-events
Republican https://newsbug.info/local-events
Daily Gate City https://mississippivalleypublishing.com/local-events
Bradford Era https://bradfordera.com/local-events
Progress https://theprogressnews.com/local-events
Wellsboro Gazette https://tiogapublishing.com/local-events
Iosco County News Herald https://iosconews.com/local-events
NE Iowa News https://communitynewspapergroup.com/local-events
Atlantic News-Telegraph https://swiowanewssource.com/local-events
Salamanca Press https://salamancapress.com/local-events
News-Gazette https://winchesternewsgazette.com/local-events
News-Times https://hartfordcitynewstimes.com/local-events
News-Gazette https://news-gazette.com/local-events
Rantoul Press https://rantoulpress.com/local-events
Piatt County Journal Republican https://journal-republican.com/local-events
Ford County Record https://fordcountyrecord.com/local-events
Independent News https://the-independent-news.com/local-events


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