
At our May 2020 customer webinar, Rick Rogers, chief revenue officer at TownNews, and Richard Green, CEO of Evvnt gave an overview of the new Evvnt calendar integration that we’ll be rolling out over the coming months. While in-person local events are on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to use this time […]

Timeline to the Return of Local Events We are now seeing an uptick in event submissions for June, July & August with small business events, conferences and Exhibitions from September onwards all with clear and defined social distancing policies to support healthy event environments to build confidence for attendees. Support local businesses post COVID-19 We […]

These are unprecedented times and we believe it’s our responsibility to help local communities continue to deliver exceptional events for everyone. That’s why we’re launching a service for virtual events effective immediately. Without the economic support of event creators to tools and services and the economic contribution from consumers to event creators, we simply will […]

In this article we will: Explain the scale and breadth of the global and USA multi-billion dollar events industry and the business opportunity it offers. Address why existing big ticketing platforms fall short of the needs of event organisers and promoters. Explore the revenue challenges experienced by local print, TV and radio media in the […]

There’s only one event this month to be at if you want to talk about local advertizing and improving monetization: Borrell Miami 2020. The Evvnt proposition is all about local advertizing for local media to build local communities through local events. And that’s why we’re going to be at Borrell Miami 2020. Actually some of […]