
Science, Health & Medicine

The 8th Digital Pharma Europe has profiled best-in-class case studies and senior-level discussions that allowed audience to leverage solutions, technologies and tactics to prepare for tomorrow. The congress has also been the perfect place to analyse issues such as reducing costs, mastering MCM, improving the uses and effectiveness of new digital marketing techniques, harnessing analytics to drive improved […]

Global Cancer: Occurence, Causes and Avenues to Prevention is a landmark conference structured around the core activities of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) covering global cancer occurrence, ethology, prevention as well as implementation of prevention and early detection. The conference featured keynote lectures from international cancer researchers, as well as smaller themed workshops and symposia […]

La 30e Conférence Internationale du Papillomavirus & d’atelier clinique (HPV 2015) a eu lieu à Lisbonne et a réuni des chercheurs, des cliniciens et autres spécialistes de la santé dans un forum international, permettant l’échange des dernières avancées de la science et de la pratique dans la communauté du VPH. La conférence a offert une variété d’installations de pointe, […]

L’Abu Dhabi International Conference in Dermatology and Aesthetics (AIDA) s’est déroulé le 19 et 20 Novembre à Abu Dhabi, introduisant une grande variété de programmes exceptionnels qui ont présentés des techniques médicales, chirurgicales et cosmétiques innovantes. La conférence à Abu Dhabi était un must pour chaque médecin ou spécialiste de la recherche pour avoir un aperçu […]

“Viruses 2016” is an international scientific conference that took place in Basel, Switzerland, from January 26 to 28, 2016. After witnessing tremendous progress in virology research in recent years, “Viruses 2016” was the perfect opportunity to bring together virologists from around the world to discuss recent developments in research. The different sessions were thematically organized, […]

The Emirates International Urological Conference 2014 was a three day comprehensive program that included case studies, debates, and interactive programs with world renowned experts presenting the latest statistics, case reports, researches and medical advances in the field of Urology. It was a unique opportunity to meet a large number of practicing Urologists within the Middle East Region and beyond. The […]