

Established in 1987, Marketforce Business Media has over 25 years experience of delivering high quality strategic events and B2B communications. They produce and manage over 60 industry leading B2B strategic conferences, training courses, lecture series and webinars every year, as well as providing insights through reports and surveys. Utilising their expertise and strong relationships with […]

The 7th Chemical & Product Tanker conference is once again provide shipowners and charterers with an in-depth view of the issues of the day. Freight markets & ship finance as well as key operational and legislative issues will be examined by an expert panel of speakers. Navigate Events were looking for a simple solution to submit […]

Informa Australia is the nation’s leading event organiser. Their events comprise of large scale exhibitions, industry conferences and highly specialised corporate training. They are based in Sydney’s CBD and employ around fifty staff. They are part of the global Informa Group PLC, listed on the London Stock Exchange (INF). They were looking for a simple solution to […]

Brintex is the exhibition division of the Hemming Group, a family run business with over 100 years’ publishing experience. The core staff of around 24 individuals organise and manage some 20 trade exhibitions and conferences in the UK and around the world each year. Brintex itself is structured around a number of industry sector-specific teams […]

Avec 50 salons professionnels et grand public en France, Reed Expositions France organise des salons dans 18 secteurs d’activité : l’art, l’audiovisuel, la bijouterie, la communication et le marketing, le confort et l’équipement de la maison, la construction, l’édition, de l’environnement, la franchise, l’hôtellerie et la restauration, les loisirs, l’industrie, le médical, l’informatique, la sécurité, […]