
We are excited to announce our global partnership with Bandsintown, the market leader in concert discovery and tour promotion. Bandsintown’s global live events data is now on 2200+ Evvnt powered events calendars, reaching an audience of over 100 million consumers a month. Bandsintown artists also benefit from Evvnt’s premium marketing and event syndication service, helping […]

PRESS RELEASE – New York, NY — (October 13, 2021) – Evvnt Inc. the industry leader in event marketing, event discovery and event ticketing, today announced an integration of its platform with Adams Publishing Group. The integration provides over 120 Adams digital publications with the Evvnt calendar functionality for local event discovery, ticketing creation and […]

Are you running an event and want more people to know about it? Then look no further as Newsquest have teamed up with Evvnt to showcase your local events. Evvnt is a global events marketing platform which enables promoters to market their event on Newsquest websites and in the newspapers alongside a range of affordable […]

As we push this site live we are looking forward to seeing more business event submissions here in Savannah, Georgia – Savannah Business Journal

As we go live on Six Rivers Media, LLC a multi-media company locally grown and owned in Northeast Tennessee. It is the parent company of six local, high-profile media platforms: Kingsport Times News, Johnson City Press, Six Rivers Digital, Jonesborough Herald & Tribune, Erwin Record, and Mountain City Tomahawk. Johnson City Press Kingsport Times […]

As we leaned into a global pandemic in 2019 we decided to focus on two areas of our business to ensure we made it through to global recovery, publisher growth and product. In May 2019 we acquired Geotix – an events ticketing platform to add ‘Create Ticketing’ to our software offering, increase our customer base […]