
Twitter offers an excellent opportunity to promote your event before, during and after it has happened and recent event marketing research has shown that 60% of all Social Media communication takes place events are actually going on.

Why? Simply – Increased visibility and potential to make sales. How you do know if it works?  Well, it comes with a free analytics tool right out of the box so you can start measuring the results from day 1. What should I pin?  Most people start with a personal profile rather than for their business or […]

If you are marketing your event online, SEO is a big deal. Google, and the other major search engines, constantly refine their algorithm for scoring, and returning links to, content on the web. Your job is to make sure YOUR content scores well. They do this using an algorithm named Penguin.

White, gold, and bronze balloons

Spreading the word about your event can be a pretty challenging task. While the technology and social media allow you to reach out to wide audiences, finding the right crowd for your event is not a matter of chance.

Check out this useful twitter tools by Joanna Geary, Head of UK News Partnership at Twitter. Followerwonk: search Twitter bios and analyse your followers DoesFollow: an easy way to see who follows who  Tw Birthday: new user with no “date joined” on their profile? Find date of joining Trends 24: see the trending […]

Develop a single hashtag for the event well beforehand (don’t forget to use it yourself – ALL the time, including adding it on and spread the word across every platform) – promote it in all advertising media not just social media – and remember to plaster it EVERYWHERE on the day, on handouts, up on […]