Business & Economics

T.A. Cook was founded in 1994 and has experienced steady growth since then. We have an international team of over 60 consultants and conference organisers across our offices in Berlin, Birmingham, Hong Kong, Houston, Paris, Raleigh and Rio de Janeiro. Our clients are global, capital intensive companies, world wide infrastructure service providers and leading medium-sized companies […]

Informa Finance is one of the world’s leading knowledge providers. They create and deliver highly specialised information through publishing, events, training, market intelligence and expertise, providing valuable knowledge to individuals, businesses and organisations around the world. They were looking for a simple solution to submit events to their own Facebook, a time saving tool, a new […]

Brintex is the exhibition division of the Hemming Group, a family run business with over 100 years’ publishing experience. The core staff of around 24 individuals organise and manage some 20 trade exhibitions and conferences in the UK and around the world each year. Brintex itself is structured around a number of industry sector-specific teams […]

IQPC’s conference producers have day-in, day-out working contact with experts and your peers. Our conferences are based on firsthand, intimate knowledge of what’s going on in a specific subject, functional specialty or industry. Further, IQPC has working relationships (and media partnerships) with the Harvard Business Review, MIT’s Sloan Management Review, and dozens of other niche-based publications. These relationships help IQPC identify […]

Avec 50 salons professionnels et grand public en France, Reed Expositions France organise des salons dans 18 secteurs d’activité : l’art, l’audiovisuel, la bijouterie, la communication et le marketing, le confort et l’équipement de la maison, la construction, l’édition, de l’environnement, la franchise, l’hôtellerie et la restauration, les loisirs, l’industrie, le médical, l’informatique, la sécurité, […]

Informa Australia is the nation’s leading conference organiser and specialist trade publisher. Our conferences allow delegates to learn from leading Australian and International experts as well as providing unique networking experiences. Conferences are held in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra and Adelaide, as well as a number of regional conferences. They were looking for a simple solution […]