
Definitive Guide To Event Marketing

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In the run-up to Christmas, consumers in the UK spend (on average) more money than at any other time of year. Using email to promote events and sell tickets can be a very effective way to boost interest and get people talking.

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With Halloween fast approaching, you can expect to see a rise in the number of cobwebbed windows, plastic skeletons and bed-sheet ghosts. However more than any other time of the year, this holiday requires you to think carefully about your audience and make sure your Halloween events and audience are a match.

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We’ve crowd-sourced some great suggestions from our LinkedIn Group and received good tips on which are the best ways to promote events on Facebook.

With the number of smartphone users set to soar this year, and the expected launch of new devices, there’s no doubt that smartphones will gain further market share over traditional handsets. Find out how to create a perfect mobile landing page for an event

Avoiding people’s spam boxes is an art, not a science. Unfortunately, the way spam filters decide if an email is junk or not changes all the time to keep up with wily spammers.

Since YouTube launched over 6 years ago, the video-sharing website has been at the forefront of user-generated video content and video-blogging. It’s clear that YouTube will continue to focus on live events so event organisers and promoters need to be prepared to meet the public demand for video content.